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History of Amateur Radio in the Canal Zone

ARC KZ5FN, along with the KZ5LAND website, were established in 2014 with the mission to “Preserve and Document" the history of Amateur Radio Operations from the former US Territory known as the "Panama Canal Zone”.
The Canal Zone, better known as “KZ5 Land” was very active with both military and civilian Amateur Radio Stations beginning in the late 1920’s through the end in 1979. 
On September 30, 1979 the US Territory known as the Panama “Canal Zone” as well as the day to day operation of the Canal itself, were turned over to Panama.  The “Canal Zone” sadly became nonexistent and "KZ5 Land” became a DXCC deleted entry*.  
* (ARRL DXCC List - KZ5-Canal Zone - Only contacts dated before September 30, 1979 will count for this entity.)
STATION EQUIPMENT:  To maintain the historic aspect, KZ5FN operates ONLY vintage radio stations (including microphones and keys) that were available to Canal Zone amateurs prior to 1979 when KZ5 became a deleted entity.   (See "More" tab for list of KZ5FN's vintage rigs)
BRIEF HISTORY:  Canal Zone "KZ5 Amateurs" over the years, maintained a constant line of worldwide communications from this vital and strategic location.  They ran countless phone patches for civilian and military families and provided training and Field Day demonstrations for US government employees and their dependents living in the 10 mile wide by 50 miles long US territory known as the “Canal Zone”.
Amateur Radio exams in the Canal Zone were administered by Coordinator of Civil Radio Activities and the US Military. Upon passing both the written and code exams you were issued a prestigious and somewhat rare "KZ5" call.  Based on old Callbooks, there were never more than about 275 KZ5 stations active at one time including the many military and MARS stations.  (In 1929 there were 6 stations listed, In 1947 there were 15 KZ5 stations and by Winter 1960, the list had grown to over 200 KZ5 stations).  Because licensing regulations and code requirements were exactly the same as the USA, you were also issued a reciprocal call in the United States of the same license class. Canal Zone Novice class holders were assigned an "N" after their call sign. Later after upgrading, the "N" would be removed.
On September 30, 1979 the US Territory known as the Panama “Canal Zone” as well as the day to day operation of the Canal itself, were turned over to Panama.  The “Canal Zone” sadly became nonexistent and "KZ5 Land” became a DXCC deleted entry*. 
                                                ***  SPECIAL NOTE ***
The KZ5LAND website was the life's work of my friend Mike Paulson (who’s Mother was Maryjane  KZ5MP).  Mike, who was born and raised in the Canal Zone, sadly passed away in 2018. 
Mike’s preservation of Canal Zone Amateur Radio History and his vast archive of data, callbooks and photographs is the most complete collection available.  KZ5LAND website, is the Virtual Reference for "remembering" Amateur Radio from the former US Territory fondly known as "KZ5 Land".    Please enjoy it ! 
                                           Canal Zone Archives


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